Andrew Kline in the Washington Post on the legal challenge to Initiative 77
/in Uncategorized/by Veritas LawVeritas in the Washington Business Journal on the repeal of Initiative 77
/in Uncategorized/by Veritas LawVeritas in Conde Nast Traveler on the world’s most controversial hotel
/in Uncategorized/by Veritas LawVeritas on WUSA9 on our offer to bring an action against Project Veritas
/in Uncategorized/by Veritas LawVeritas in the Washington Post on Lawsuit against President Trump
/in Articles, Uncategorized/by Veritas LawScott Rome quoted in a Washington Post story on the Unfair Competition lawsuit against President Trump and the Trump Organization businesses.
Veritas in the Washington Business Journal
/in Uncategorized/by Veritas LawAndrew J. Kline quoted in the Washington Business Journal regarding the efforts of the D.C. Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to fine businesses for alleged use of DJ booths.
Veritas in on serving the President
/in Articles, Uncategorized/by Veritas LawScott Rome interviewed on National Law Journal regarding accomplishing service of process on the President of the United States.
Veritas serves as co-lead counsel on lawsuit against Trump Organization and Donald J. Trump
/in Uncategorized/by Veritas LawVeritas serves as co-lead counsel on lawsuit for “Unfair Competition” against the Trump Organization and Donald J. Trump for unfair competition from operation and ownership of the Trump International Hotel.

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